5 research outputs found


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    The development of technology, information, and communication has entered all aspects of life, including politics, through big data technology. In electoral politics, the quick count method is considered superior to the manual process. However, the level of accuracy depends on industry 4.0. This study analyzed the potential for using big data in electoral politics. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data obtained through literature study. Data analysis is done by collecting data, making an analysis, and concluding. This study found that big data is the right technology to facilitate electoral politics in Indonesia. The results of the significant data method have complemented and validated the old way

    Political Commitment in Managing Border Tourism

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    This paper aims to analyze Political Commitment in managing border tourism in Kapuas Hulu District. The border is one of the potentials owned by Indonesia for the development of boundaries, such as tourism activities in Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan. From this context, the explorative potential of the Regency is quite diverse, regarding nature, culture and adventure tourism. This is in line with the challenges encountered in the management of border tourism, such as the lack of supporting facilities, as well as the formation of cooperation and capital in managing exploration toward superiority. Furthermore, political commitment is needed in the management and development of border tourism, specifically through three aspects, namely verbal (expressed), institutional, and budgetary. By using a qualitative descriptive method, Political Commitment in the management of border tourism was analyzed. The data collection process also emphasized interviews with related parties, as secondary information sources included books, scientific journals, mass media, and documents from existing survey institutions

    Triple helix synergy: Segregation of household hazardous and toxic waste in the Banjar Serasan community

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    As the human population increases, the need for daily living also increases. This has an impact on increasing the amount of waste produced, including hazardous and toxic waste. However, public awareness of managing hazardous and toxic waste is still low. Many people do not separate hazardous and toxic waste from other waste due to a lack of awareness and knowledge about hazardous and toxic waste management. Based on this background, this Community Service activity was carried out to socialize the segregation of household hazardous and toxic waste in the Banjar Serasan community. The method used in this activity is using a case study approach, pre-test, lecture, discussion, and post-test. Before the presentation of material from the resource persons, there were still participants who did not know what household hazardous and toxic waste was, its types, and how to manage it, namely 8 out of 18 participants. After the material was given, all participants managed to understand what hazardous and toxic waste was and ways to apply the management and application of reduce, reuse, and recycle in handling it. Through this activity, it is hoped that it can support increased education for the public regarding the issue of hazardous and toxic waste that is relevant to the SDGs points including point 13, namely climate action


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembiayaan akad murabahah untuk sektor Mitra Usaha pada KSP BMT Mujaahidin serta mengetahui bagaimana sistem pengendalian yang efektif pada KSP BMT Mujahidin dalam menghadapi hambatan-hambatan dalam proses pemberian pembiayaan mitra usaha. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah karyawan yang berkerja di KSP BMT Mujahidin pada bagian pembiayaan yang berhubungan dengan proses pemberian pembiayaan mitra usaha dengan menggunakan akad murabahah. Total sampel dari penelitian ini adalah 20 data compliance test dari calon nasabah yang mengajukan permohonan pembiayaan  dan 5 orang karyawan di bagian yang berhubungan dengan proses persetujuan pemberian pembiayaan mitra usaha. Bentuk penelitian yang digunakan penulis yaitu metode deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan yang digunakan KSP BMT Mujahidin untuk proses pemberian pembiayaan mitra usaha sudah berjalan efektif dilihat dari hasil evaluasi struktur organisasi, flowchart, internal control questioner, dan compliance test, meskipun masih terdapat beberapa kelemahan, yaitu dari pelaksana atau bagian pembiayaan karena kurang memperhatikan kelengkapan berkas dalam persyaratan pengajuan pembiayaan sehingga pembiayaan yang telah disalurkan terkadang tidak dapat tertagih kembali. Sehingga masih perlu pengevaluasian dan penyesuaian terhadap prosedur yang telah ditetapkan dalam penegasan untuk penerapan agunan atau jaminan dari nasabah serta lampiran legalitas usaha dari beberapa calon nasabah yang akan mengajukan pembiayaan mitra usaha. Kata kunci: Akad Murabahah, Efektifitas, Prosedur, Pengendalian Intern, Pembiayaan Mitra Usaha, Aguna

    Civil Servant Performance: Study on the Koperasi Daya Karya, Sintang District Education and Culture Office

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    This paper aims to show how the performance of the Koperasi Daya Karya in the Sintang District Office of Education and Culture has so far been. Using a qualitative descriptive method, this study describes several problems that refer to the first aspect of responsiveness, namely the ability to identify the needs of members, prioritize services, develop agendas, and develop service programs for members who have not been running optimally and not yet optimal. unfulfilled needs and aspirations of members; secondly, the responsibility for implementing activities at “Daya Karya” has not been carried out with administrative principles that are in line with cooperative policies, the level of conformity between the formulation of the vision and mission of the Koperasi and the dynamics of change, the level of anticipation in dealing with change; accountability of "Daya Karya" which has not been able to account for its actions and work optimally, as well as several factors that influence the results of the work of dedication to "Daya Karya" of the Sintang District Education and Culture Office. Thus, this research is expected to make service performance at the "Daya Karya" Office of Education and Culture of Sintang Regency run optimally.